What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

Lavender Jack came in from Speakeasy, no freebie seeds. I only ordered one pack so it’s all good.


Can’t stand thieves, hope that piece of shit gets some real bad karma for this! Sorry you guys got scammed, and by a member here, even worse! Hope the mods take care of his ass! :hiking_boot::door::v:

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Sorry to hear of that scam @MonsterDrank that shit will come back on them sooner or later. I really believe that.
IG is the worst for that, fake accounts over and over changing a hyphen or putting in an underscore. Easy to fall for that I almost did trying to converse with Kagyu (which really wasn’t him).

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Yep. I’ve seen it before and I work in IT so I really should have known better. Oh well. You live, you learn.



You’re a brave soul having those all open at the same time like that.

I was would definitely hit the tray and mix everything haha.


I was so high when I did it and going “man this is a bad idea” but I had to do it for the Gram! Was whispering to myself “no Vernal mystery mix” but I did come up with a good name for that if it ever happens: Tadpole Soup


Yeah, my first thought was the pack of garland mystery mix I have haha.


New Arrivals today… ones I’ve been extremely looking forward to…

@taiga you grew the Roadkill Marshmallow right? How was it? Any description you could give me?

Edit… I feel much better now about losing that hundred bucks to the Carter Creek scammer now that my Weekly Parlay paid off.

Ahhh the life of being a gambling degenerate. :laughing:


I don’t like Thai with any chocolate things. It is dank without smth else that spoils the taste and it is not landrace anymore with these notes. My last purchase was a grip of Bruce banner seeds from herbies usa as well, hope it will work for my Californian summer


Damn reverse auctions. I swear I’m done buying seeds for a bit.


The Roadkill Marshmallow is super nice. I ran across a couple different phenos and preferred the taller ones with a bit more stretch to the ones that are a bit squat and sluggish.

The squat ones have a really deep and complex skunky gassy musky lime patchouli thing going on in flower but it doesn’t translate after the cure all that much, they get really dark foliage, super pretty plants. I ran two of the squat phenos (which were really similar but small difference in scent profile)
two times. More of a typical BLD/Indica dominant buzz to them.

The pheno that I preferred had the same skunky patchouli back end but not as musky with more grape candy gas than lime going on. still really complex, and the smell and flavour translated a lot better through curing. I ran this one out 3 times and really wish I had kept it, it was quite a hit with people around here who are still asking if I have any more of it haha. This one was had a really great hybrid effect, upbeat giggly and social.


Oh man that sounds so good. I never heard of the Roadkill Marshmallow but the guy with the Blueberry Milk pack needed some cash and let them both go. I’m glad I got it. I’ve never been much of a trader… I much rather prefer buying packs and not having to let things go.

The Blueberry Milk was on my wish list, always nice to cross something off that list.


Newest is Tikal from ace seeds

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Didn’t Ace stop offering Tikal for the time being??? Either way good score! I understand that Tikal is supposed to be fun, giggly weed! :sunglasses:

You made the right choice for sure, I grabbed two packs of it and will be running more eventually. Just have lots of stuff I wanna get to first.

The blueberry milk sounds fantastic too


I’m not sure if they stopped for awhile. Yeah I can’t wait to smoke some I’ve heard the same it’s happy weed lol

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You must of caught him with his shoes on…can’t count without seein’ his toes . We don’t tease him as he gets all sensitive & stuff .

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Badgers Chernobyl has arrived with another The Dungeon freebie vial!


I’m pretty stoked.
Yesterday I got my pre-order of Katsu Blubird’s pre98 Bubba kush. Been waiting since October of last year.
Today I got The Cinco de Mayo winnings from FCP02.