What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

I can imagine I haven’t got to see him live I’m sure he’s super entertaining that’s so cool you got to experience that one of my first cds was hillbilly deluxe my older sister gave me when I was young :joy: @MonsterDrank


Order in at GLG. Jaw’s Genetics Soylent Green f2 and Memory Loss CBS f2, Genus Seeds Eastern Stars. All the associated freebies from GLG and the Breeders. I’ll post a photo of when they show.



Please post some results and tag me when done. I tried to grow them as my buddy had a super nice plant in 2013 maybe. Really a big bud and nice smell like shit…


Did Loran fucking die? I feel like I just spoke with him, but that could have been more like a year or so ago. Fuck. Positive vibes…



@stanknugzz77 It must have been closer to 5 years ago. 2018 is what I was told.


He was battling cancer and there was a fundraiser for him around that time, but I heard from him last February on a private forum and he said that his last MRI was cancer free and that he was planning to restart his breeding projects. Hopefully that is all still the case. Positive vibes…



@stanknugzz77 you might be right because I just saw a forum post oh Breedbay from him in 2020. I was probably given wrong information but I know a bunch of Breedbay people so I’m going to find out.

Edit… @Swampthing told me that on discord it was 2018… but obviously it was later or just wrong. But I’ll get back if I figure it out


Now I am fucking tripping and thinking that maybe someone else was using his account, but going back through all of our PMs, it was definitely Loran that I was corresponding with. He has a very unique writing style etc. Fuck. I haven’t spoken to him in a while, but I was heartbroken reading that. Positive vibes…


All good brother. It is kind of just how information spreads on the forums and on the internet in general. No real worries on your part. Positive vibes…


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Yeah well I’m really sorry it was my words that broke the news. I saw another forum post on marijuanapassion, a lesser know forum saying he passed in 2022… but it was Swampthing, an old Breedbay guy who said it was earlier… I still have my last messages from when I spoke to Loran in 2017 in my Breedbay Inbox. He has helping me determine which Longbottom Leaf male would be better for a pollen chuck… the shorter ones he said.
I liked him quite a bit. I still have some of his beans include some Sputnik 2 F2s. It’s unfortunate when we lose some of these oldtimers to time. There’s a lot of guys I’ve met over the years that inspired me and helped me evolve my grow. Old Breedbay guys like Loran, or Mtman, SunSimulator, Teethmarks, Janja, TheNewGuy… all of some of the best guys that I can’t find anywhere anymore. If Loran did pass away he definitely made his mark… as for the mystery of all the others out there… I can only hope their paths cross my way once again.


Finally found a sealed pack of Bodhi’s Cherry Trance! Its Cherry-O Sativa :cherries: x Wookie.

That one was so hard to find. I saw it in stock at JBC a couple months ago and waited too long and it sold out. I was kicking myself for not grabbing it.

Fortunately however it’s coming my way. I heard the keeper produces a sour cherry candy pheno.


Pretty interesting day…

The Regal IMAX Theater locally near me is playing one of the classics. Superman from 1978. I’m a huge Superman/Batman fan and I haven’t seen the original flick with Christopher Reeve in many years. I took my 12 year old daughter with me who hasn’t seen it at all, nor has she seen any Superman movie older than Batman Vs Superman from 2016.

Before heading to the movies I did get a chance to stop at the post office and check out my PO Box. It held some good ones today…

Shout out to @darkillusion and @Barefrog. I really, really appreciate these guys…

Also from my own purchases…

The DLA 16 was tough… all the RIU Bodhi thread guys were there at 420am Pacific time sniping these the moment they dropped. I watched it sell out in less than 2 minutes but luckily was able to add it to cart and check out quick. The Cherry Trance I have been chasing for a while and found it on a Discord server from a private individual. I’m totally thrilled about both packs. I might even have a second DLA 16 pack in my sights. I’m probably going to offer that 2nd pack as a trade to someone here on Overgrow. I figure it’s better to do that than let the snipers win and post it for double or triple value on Strainly or Discord (like they usually do). I’d rather someone here thats passionate about Bodhi’s seeds end up with it… someone’s who maybe wants to do a swapsies for another sealed pack or some Bodhi F2s… but probably too soon to really think about that… I only have one pack in hand thus far. Soon tho. :wink:


This was my last purchase


Speaking of Thai…

I just found a source for actual Drawoh Chocolate Thai… bought 2 packs! I’ve wanted that for many years.

Also scored some Jaws Soylent Green F2s. One I’ve wanted for a while but never pulled the trigger. Oregoneliteseeds has a killer deal on Jaws packs right now.


I opened up my Electric Cowboy pack the other day and lo and behold, it was a pack of Cherry Trance instead. That’s a big F up


Damn. I never heard of that happening before. You’re right that’s crazy.


Who from, just out of curiosity? I know Hazeman claims his CT is from Drawoh stock, is there some one else who has original Drawoh stock?


Snowhigh has been working his Chocolate Thai


Thay’re direct from Hazeman himself. I guess he has brought them to F4… He is sending me two packs this week. Also some of his La Pure Kush f2’s and a few other things.

Over $200 - Jesus. I’ll stick with Hazeman’s seeds. lol