What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

Ah, nice. I gotta drop some more of those some time, found some crazy plants in there last time.


@potpotpot - This may sound silly… but the very first time I got high… like really, really high… It was the summer of 1994 I was about 15 years old chilling with my buddies Rolf and Dave… they were these two twin Filipino kids I knew from school. they brought me to this stoner kids house and we were upstairs in his bedroom smoking some weed. I struggled to stay awake as the stoner kid was playing some riffs on his Fender electric guitar… I laid back on the waterbed and was going in and out of consciousness just listening to them all talk… they were talking about Chocolate Thai… I laid there and imagined what Chocolate Thai must have been like. The thought of sweet rich chocolatey flavored buds had me salivating. Over the years whenever we would score some of the fancier weed I would always think of that memory of them talking about this infamous Chocolate Thai. I would have done anything, paid anything to experience it… although now over 30 years has passed and I’ve never came across it in my entire life… I started to doubt it even existed until I met Drawoh. To grow it would be a real treat. I knew Drawoh from Breedbay but not well. I remember asking him for the seeds around 2010 and he didn’t have any to share. So to think in 2023 all these years later I am finally getting some… it blows my mind. When I talked to Hazeman last night and discovered he had some, I assured him
I would get up early this morning and send him some cash… and I did just that.


Cherry AK 47 from @JAWS was my latest… RootDawg + Bling helped seal the deal.


Ordered two packs of the Midnight Aphrodisiac from @ShitSeeds last night. Had to have them after I saw Doug post up that giveaway and everyone voted for Nurse Peanut instead :joy:


thanks for the support my friend, don’t sleep on those ROOTDAWGS there really good. running the SOUR ROOTDAWG right now and man what a smell.

thank you …


RamblibRose has a Cherry Lotus pack i believe he’s open to trading or selling. Might have it still?


Great Dad you are! That was a fun flick to see in the theatre back when i was a kid of 10.

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Since I got the auto coming I figured why not grab the new Oreoz s1 from greenpoint. Curious to see if lives up to the hype.


Yeah Hazeman packs are $50 or 60. Quite reasonable. And he’s got a ton of strains listed in the email seed info i asked him to send me.


I did 3 packs for $125 shipped and they have 1:1 freebies… so 6 packs total… a little over $20/pack… and the $25 Jaws Soylent Green. It was a killer deal… so glad I woke up at 4am to use the bathroom and I actually checked my phone. :laughing:

Some of my better seed deals are made on the porcelain throne before dawn.

That’s so weird you word it that way… because I never hear any hype about it. Just that Oreoz looks fantastic and otherwise just meh. I’m hoping the 3rd Coast Pure Michigan is better. But I’ve never seen anything other than Internet posts. A guy on IG named Minitrkn420 seemed to like the Pure Michigan but he complained about a bunch of freak mutant phenos.


Considering what I saw for 420 sales, I maybe should have waited. Not a big deal.


They just started their sale. Use code 30off420 for 30% off sitewide


I grew out a Pure Michigan cross last year. It was called “Hammer Mitten” from Freak Genetics.
It was one of the most mutant plants I’ve ever grown. Very Sativa leaning pheno, 5 blades leaves that all overlapped and looked like it only had single blades, but was absolutely dripping in trichomes, guess that came from PM side.
Tried germinating 2 PM seeds from a freebie pack with no luck. They were some of the tiniest seeds I’ve ever seen and just gave up on them.


Who 3rd Coast? I bought their Pure Michigan months ago. It was a Impulse decision for sure when I saw Minitrkn420’s IG feed. He always was great at posting bud p0rn. His pics are always super on point.

It’s for the whole site seedsforme.com


I hear that about all the Pure Michigan grows. The most mutant probelm I’ve ever seen was something called Devilberry created by the admin over at Breedbay. He only gifted them from what I remember. I think Devilberry was Krowberry x Double Purple Doja… Krowberry was (Grand Daddy Purple x Nebu Blackberry). Anyway… it was super intense bright Purple but I only have one 10 pack and probably 60% were viable… I maybe found 3 females… all mutants and they were exactly like how you’re describing with single bladed leaves and they just looked kinda sickly so I tossed them.

I did get jealous anytime someone would post a Krowberry pic… they were absolute stunners to look at. This here is one…

Nowadays it wouldn’t be as special as there’s a million Purple strains out in seed form but in 2007 I would have been all over this. lol

I did eventually grow out Double Purple Doja (TGA) and get similar results… but those kinda smelled like dirt and weren’t potent. Very pretty tho.

Oh forgive me… I didn’t know you were still talking about the Chocolate Thai. I already ordered the Hazeman so I’m good… thanks tho.

@crownpoodle those are some damn nice looking seeds. The Rootdawg… Cookie Affair… and The White x Cakefighter… hell yeah!! Those all sound sick. I was thrilled when I got 2 of the Wedding Cake x Cakefighter… order after order made at GLG and a ton of Runaway bride and Bye-Ya crosses later and I finally got some of the freebies I wanted. I usually stuff their freebies in a seperate envelope and give them away to my friends but not these ones. Those are gonna be great. The Long Bottom Fighter x Cakefighter too… thats probably my best GLG freebie so far.


Did you get any JAWS freebies with your JAWS order at OES?


They looked single, but were just stacked on top of one another. The plant itself, looked embarrassing compared to my others. The only thing that made me not cull it, was all the trichomes. It washed very very well. One of the better hash making strains I’ve grown, but plants looked sick and homely. LOL


I highly doubt it. My order with them this morning didn’t mention anything. I’ll be shocked if it does.

Damn it @crownpoodle… I want those Cookie Affair seeds now. See what you’re doing to me? Maybe I should just do that and get the Cherry Chem Soda too at the same time. :thinking:


GLG is hooking it up with the JAWS freebies. Jaws packs are $50 each, BOGO, and came with 2 more 5-seed JAWS freebies. Got BOGO on Useful Lucky Lime F1’s too. Just placed an order