What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

Some of the new, new stuff…

These Frozen Unicorn were from the latest Stray drop. That’s the Strayfox Relentless cross that had the jaw dropping purple plant pic

The Appy White just sounded too good to pass on…

and so didn’t these… I knew I needed these…

These were from an old friend… Tomba… great guy…

…and that’s all for now. :laughing:


Selfing is that to bring it back to it original dna ?

Great haul! I’ve got those blueberry hp x run away bride started :green_heart:


Grabbed 14 pks and he threw in 18


Sometimes you only need some haze


I don’t want to come across as someone with any kind of deep understanding of selfing, but I presume most people who self plants are hoping to find offspring close to the mother? Still, you’re combining all of the genes within the mother, not just the genes that expressed (were observable) in the mom… so there will still be some variety within the S1 generation seeds (I would imagine you would see more variety within S1s of polyhybrid moms, and less variety in S1s of inbred lines? There are way more knowledgeable people than I on here, but they probably aren’t perusing the latest seed purchase thread looking for the opportunity to educate).



@Cannavore that’s a lot of cheese. I hope you also incorporate some fiber into your diet.

@Emeraldgreen @Kami we are getting closer to the ship date. I’m thinking early next week. Never did this in winter before. I bought some heat packs as a precaution due to the frigid temps. This will be a fun experiment.


Some fire beans landing everywhere eh?
very nice :wink:

on the topic of how breeders use the S1 terminology i find it confusing as well LOL
To me an S1 means Selfed Once… So Ogkb 2.0 clone x ogkb 2.0 clone reversed.
The next example and how I denote in my work, Oreoz clone x Ogkb 2.0 reversed is an F1 Fem… first filial cross but used feminized pollen instead of true male pollen. Maybe I am wrong but I dunno. it makes sense to me.


Don’t even start on Colorado Sativas S1 :sweat_smile:

Also to keep this on topic, very exciting freebies. I got KwaZulu and Docta Clean.


I was looking at one of those 707 Packs myself lately… one inparticular that’s low in stock… one of those Kush Cleaner crosses… I don’t wanna name the pack and Jinx it… Hopefully it’ll stay in stock just a little longer. Crossing my fingers. :crossed_fingers:


@MonsterDrank thank you. I think after this bitter cold passes it’ll be fine. As you said experiment


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@Emeraldgreen I think it’ll be fine. I bought some of those 110 Hour heat packs off Amazon and a shit load of bubble wrap.


That bandaid haze x a5 sounds killer nice scoops


You sight on what are S1 is quite accurate. Now for the output, there is a trap.

A female of a stabilized inbred line don’t necessary produce S1 “clones-in-seeds”, at the moment you play with the sprayer you’re no longer playing with the rules of the initial genotype.

It really belong in this specific case on the accuracy of the “phenotypic” selection, more than on the momentum of the line.

And unfortunately, the rarefaction of this consideration is a fact now. I swear you’re not wrong.
We can even push in this specific case to say that these fems are in fact F1/BX1 on the OGK ^^
And in pushing even more in depth, to discover that the OGK BX notation is undervalued in term of occurrences.


Wow I am impressed!! I thought I spent a lot of money on seeds, but it seems like I am just an average buyer :rofl:

These are my Three Kings auto-gift because I deserve it. I truly do :sweat_smile:

People should understand that this is what makes me happy.

The Panama pack is Hebe and Hera, which is Old Timers Haze x Panama Red (1971 I think) and Old Timers Haze x Cannabiogen Panama, respectively. According to the breeder, only the longest flowering and most NLD looking plants were used.

I am also going to auto-gift myself for Valentines, just because, yeah. Some Hyp3rids Verde Limón and Zacatecas Two Phenotypes pack.

@santero I would have loved some Berry Nice Plants but got a bit too late to the race over at seedheaven :joy: People used teletransportation to buy those seeds :joy:


That’s really all that matters. I hear people sometimes make rude comments and take jabs about others… put down others buying habits, etc
I think a lot of it might be jealousy… I’ve met guys online who never buy anything ever… they wait for others to give them F2s or they try to trade their way into whatever it is they want. Nothings wrong with that approach, although it definitely doesn’t help the seedmaker/breeder of.the original F1s to sustain any type of living or put food on their table.

I have this buddy of mine in real life… he’s a grower and isn’t on the forums or internet. He’s the cheapest bastard I know. This is the type of guy that carries multiple smartphones in his vehicles so he can take advantage of using double & triple coupons at the drive thru windows of all the fast food places. We had lunch at a diner one time and the bill was off 30 cents and he had the waitress over at the table with a calculator doing math and hunting down the discrepancy… this guy is so cheap he will buy replacement water filters at Amazon and do a product return to send back the old ones… he’s the cheapest motherf*%ker I know and yet even after all that… even he buys himself seeds once in a while.


Gsus that is one cheap guy. Ironically, I live in the only place in Spain where people are know for being cheap, like really stingy, and people take a LONG time to pay because they actually use calculator apps to pay for the ticket … even when there is only like three people drinking and eating. I mean, whatever, but I´d rather pay the tab and split it betwee the three, unless of course I have not drunk anything.

I did have a very very good friend of mine remark my seed buying habit as a waste of money, to which I told him that he spent much more in video games and lap dances and I did not say a word about it. Never mentioned it again.



My brother is filthy rich, on his wife’s inherited $. We go out to dinner where I live. My places. My people. I have to go in the next day and apologize for their behavior, and to leave an appropriate tip.
Something wrong here.