What Other Drugs do you Consume on a Regular Basis?

That seems excessively long for pure mdma. Do you remember how much you took? Did you redose part way through? 80-120mg should have a duration between 4-6hrs for most people. I’ve been up to 8hrs but that was mostly the afterglow.
Also, mdma and amphetamine share a common backbone, probably why there are some similar effects


This was also an effect of mdma :rofl::rofl::rofl:


With the Atorvastatin you are taking dont bother with the Brazil nuts or walnuts, it will negate the benefits of the nuts. If look at what Atorvastatin truly does to the body and what the body gets from both types of cholesterol.

There is no such thing as bad cholesterol, recent studies show its not cholesterol that causes problems its refined carbohydrates that damage the shape of HDL and LDL cholesterol molecules so they dont fit the receptors that re cycle them back to liver to use again. This causes them to float around your vascular system where they get an attachment of calcium and then get stuck calcifying your arteries. All statins block all cholesterol, which stops testosterone production as well as other hormones essential for a good heart and all the other major muscle groups that need cholesterol to function, as well as your brain. The chances of developing diabetes is 30% higher as well, so cutting out the refined carbs would help slow down the damage from the side effects of the statins, as well as improve and lower the cholesterol stuck in your blood.

Also CoQ10 as a supplement will help your heart from the lack of cholesterol you make.


Daily use of caffeine, sugar, weed, and Quetiapine. I’ll occasionally consume alcohol or NSAIDs.


We were dipping for hours.
Funny story, me and a few friends went on a week long tour following the disco biscuits. One of the dudes we were with knew the guy we met up with in Tennessee at a hotel. Homie pulls out a gallon bag with probably a few oz in it, opens it up, takes a credit card, grabs a huge scoop and says have at it. No charge at all.


Lol. Reminds me of a work Christmas party one year. Everyone met up at this bar/restaurant, 3 tables end to end, and 4 people each threw an oz on the tables. Just started throwing it in our drinks and then went to neon bowling haha good times.


It’s been years but real mdma has a special place in my heart , love shrooms also but only do them when they find there way to me.
I drink around a lot of caffeine and am bes not conversed with before I’ve had my coffee. My filter does not exist with out coffee and I’ve been known to say some border line confrontational things in the am.
All my coworkers have come to realize you get a lot more help out of me if you don’t approach me till the coffee can is empty lol


same same here

That’s why if I could of moved the refrigerator in the bedroom, that would of gone up her ass too. :rofl: :rofl:


:rofl::joy::rofl: I dont have any idea what you’re referring to…:wink:🫣:star_struck:


I am also confused.


@Fitzera @blowdout2269 :rofl: It’s a joke about how MDMA and Speed can make one uninhibited. :rofl:


…I was trying to be obviously sarcastic…I knew exactly what you’re going on about heh heh heh


I would like some molly. Never really got much of a mescaline. Microdots were OK. I heard there was some paper still going around. No I would not mess with anything whatsoever. I don’t want anything from anyone. Even if it was some grade a cocaine. Wouldn’t touch it.


I have 2. My wife wouldn’t let them in the window for the longest time but this Winter I insisted. They are big enough for one person at this point. Probably time for a transplant.

I got busted around the turn of the century. Busted for weed but they found an ounce of mushrooms in my dresser drawer. I had gotten them for my brother-in-law for his bachelor party and forgot to bring them. I had completely forgotten they were in there. I was facing 6 months to 2 and a 1/2 years just for the shrooms. Ridiculous. If they had higher levels of hallucinogenic compounds inside of them they could have been a felony at the time. 2-7 years.
These days its weed and kratom only. Kratom to help the pain level and weed to forget whats leftover.
I used to take 5 g of kratom 4 times A-day, And recently cut down to 4 g 3 times A-day with no side effects at all. I find that switching from one type to another allows you to cut down rapidly with no side effects…BUT anybody with a history of opioid addiction needs to really know themselves before they try this stuff out. I was never mentally addicted to painkillers, just physically addicted… And had quit opioids 5 to 7 years earlier before trying kratom. Some people get horrible mental addictions from kratom and take too much, resuting in withdrawal symptoms. Any more than 5 g at a time (in my experience)and you will get side effects like chills or lethargy When you wean yourself down.
I have heard that it can work wonders for people getting off of opiods.


Basically same for me, no cacti yet though. Acid I don’t don’t touch anymore, it makes me sweat non stop and I don’t really like the electrified feeling. Low doses of it can can pretty interesting though.

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I wake to coffee, reading first hour or 2.
Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, melatonin at night.
I do have some mushrooms in the freezer, I grew out a few years ago now.
So yeah pretty boring.


If you take melatonin daily you may want to look into side effects. Everything I’ve read says short term use is fine but long term could cause problems.


It’s for high blood pressure, I take that too…I also take Muti-vitamins, vitamin C, fish oil, CalMag tablets too.


On regular base is just my weed with some tabacco and 3 coffes a day.

I already tried most drugs, except for injectables and mushrooms.

No regrets there, never become addicted so only nice experiences here.

Really glad I had someone making some rules and backing me up while I tried.

Good old days, good old days with no worries.

Then I become a father and in my best night is me on the 1st floor deck playing with some weed and maybe a scotch.