What’s the weirdest taste/smell you’ve had in a bud?

No seeds but I got it backed up. New to me this summer and I ran it outdoors with a late start. Not from seed by me, what I have is sarsparilla, “the cut”. It’s Freak’s breeder cut.


@Hippyhop Sorry to hear they threw out your uncles line.
That sounds like a unique one for certain.
For me the weed that smells odd is?
It is from Northern Lights, from Peak Seeds BC.
I never have before or since smelled weed that smells like a burnt match. Maybe common? His description states that and, it sure smells like that to me.
I have never come across weed ever again that smelled like that. Nice mellow ride it gave!:grin:
I also have a few more seeds left from that same pack as well. Old but they may pop if I give it a go some day. His Northern Lights also gets good reviews.


So I was at a party several years ago and someone breaks out a joint. I’m sitting in the circle and this joint comes around. I take a puff and pass it along. Now, some of you younger kids won’t know what I’m talking about, bit it smelled and tasted like a water bed. The only time I’ve ever dropped out of a circle. :nauseated_face:


“Let’s go have a nap on 18 month old stagnant water.” :joy:

But I know what you mean.


Yeah know that smell , id of passed too

The worst I’ve ever had was the Skunk tangerine I just grew I know some love it I can’t stand to be in the same room with it and I certainly will not smoke it

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The old skunk that smelled like dead skunk was by far the strongest/weirdest smell I’ve experienced.

Oregano. Strangely it looked just like oregano, too.

Awful smoke but it really brought out the flavour in my spaghetti sauce. Just like-a the old country


Why does this weed have a no frills sticker on it?


At that price it was a deal I couldn’t refuse.

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I have a landrace line that makes interesting savory smelling plants that I enjoy: brown ale, cheddar cheese, cucumber, rye, safron, cumin.

I have another landrace line that smells like seaweed, black tea, and cedar.

I grew an old black market line that smelled like goats on a farm. fortunately it cured to head shop incense.

I grew an old shaman plant from seed that cured to smell like rosemary ham, oregano, and basil. My friends always hated it when someone sold us ‘pizza weed’ in high school, that’s the only time I’ve ended up growing pizza weed.

I grew a plant that started off fruity, but eventually cured to some kind of really weird scotch whiskey. the kind that smells like oil and tar. Didn’t like that one, but someone probably would.

which plant was that?


To me blue dream always tasted like carrots didn’t seem to matter, joint, bong, or even a cart my wife picked up, carrots.

I grew a “Bloody Skunk Auto” from Sweet Seeds that smelled like leather with a chemmy sweet that i couldn’t place. Only grew it once and I’m not in a hurry to do it again.

I got some from a friend in here that my son says tastes like enchiladas. I won’t say who but it was BD x TOG, I can see maybe a cumin hint in it but not full on enchilada.

Ny-quil. Tasted and hit like grape Ny-Quil :zzz: .


Blah, that doesn’t sound great. Does grape Nyqil taste like grape?


It wasn’t. Yeeeesss… it’s grape. But it’s not grape at all :rofl: . It’s a cough medicine with a sleep aid in it. But the smallest one pape and you would be out cold.


Berries from the armpit of a homeless man
Rocket candy pissed on by a house cat
Peach watermelon chewy candy
Tire fire smoldering from being pissed on by a nasty wildcat
Green apple gummie rings
Lemon skin that’s been festering in the hot sun for days and is starting to rot
Poopy diaper ontop of a pile of trash
Mechanic garage/burnt gear oil/ oily rag


Have you ever had a plant that smells so bad that you don’t even want to touch it?
It happened to me with a mazar/guerrero plant, it literally smelled like shit, disgusting, the smell was nauseating.


Yes. I killed it in veg. Disgusting.

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Petrichor I believe?

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I don’t have a broad vocabulary that I can match to smell. Probably would recognize the smell but wouldn’t be able to say Petrichlor. Probably need to invest in one of those fragrance kits some day.


It’s when that spring rain is about to hit and the air stops, and you can feel the clouds billowing with electricity, it’s the smell the earth puts out in anticipation of the first thunder clap before the sky gets ripped open