Where oh where can I find clones to buy in Toronto

Newbie to the Growing Brigade! We are out door growers and a bit late starting this year. Can anyone help me find where I can find good Sativa leaning teenagers sooner rather than later? We had someone recommend us Bruce Banner strain but not available north of the border! Any help appreciated!


Hey my friend welcome to Overgrow!! Unfortunately, I can’t help you, however This community is so helpful and so incredibly knowledgeable If you hang around a little bit, I’m sure somebody will point you in the right direction.


Welcome to OG, @Contribution! I, unfortunately, like @Mattman, am unable to point you to the teens you want there in Canada. He is, however, absolutely right. Hang out for a little while, interact with some folks (people here tend to be friendly and helpful) and before you know it some OG will be helping you with just what you want! :+1:


I found this for ya:

Also, there’s a thread around here about shipping un-rooted cuts across the border. I haven’t been keeping up, but I’ll find it. I’m sure there’s plenty of good genes to the south that we’d share with ya. You would likely have to be more than a first time poster though. :wink:

Which reminds me…Welcome to Overgrow buddy!

Here it is!


There are not many places in Canada offering what you are asking for. In fact the one I do know about I just learned about a couple weeks ago. These guys are fully licensed to sell clones/plants to ACMPR licensed growers and thier prices are quite reasonable compared to other less legal options.
Otherwise, finding “teens” to grow in Canada … to purchase online or in around Ontario? doubt that is going to happen for you


Hello to you too!

I think the hanging around is a good idea so I can get to know where I belong so to speak!

Am I right that there are global citizens in here?

So can you give me a bit of advice. How can I find Canadian in here and preferably in Ontario. The only filters I saw were great, but I don’t know how to find people talking about what I’m looking for - or if they’re even Canadian.:slightly_smiling_face:

Any advice? And thanks for letting me join!



@Contribution, try here at the The Canadian Contingent (Part 2) thread. :+1:

Oh no, thank you for joining! Canadian flag


Welcome to OG @Contribution . Lot’s of Canadians here including myself. I am in Ontario as well. You can find most of the Canadians in this thread. :v:


Thanks everyone. You guys are great. I thought after legalization here this would not be such a challenge. Carumba.

West River is in Nova Scotia, I found one in Quebec and now two in Ontario. The ones in Ontario and Quebec are heavy on Indica. Whereas Nova Scotia seems to have more variety.

Woo hoo. If anyone wants websites, let me know and send them across.
Much appreciated!


Yeah man hit up @Justblazin if you want legit clones

Lots of 2nd rate vendors around selling clones that arent as good, last i checked

hard to find a good one


Lots of vendors will seem legit, but sell cuts that wont be around in 5 years, for way too much


Hey @Contribution, welcome to OG.
I’m in ontario and vend clones. Not teens but some are a decent size.

Hit me up with a dm if you are interested.

I don’t have to many straight sativa leaning cuts.
Best sativa I have are sour diesel, macdaddy, chimera 3.


How do I DM? Unless this is it?


If you click on his avatar it will open up a box and in the top right you will see a message button. Click that and you can message him. He has been putting out clones for some time and is a trusted member and sponsor here. :v:


I’d say macdaddy and Corey,

Maybe chimera 3

Is that the ajs sour?


I say Corey cause it doesn’t really get me couchlocked like gmo or d etc do

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Yes its aj sour diesel
you think corey is sativa leaning? Love corey, it’s definitely one of my favs

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Love Corey too so far,

Sativa leaning chem hybrid is what I’d call it. Need to grow it better and try more, but, it doesn’t put me to bed you know? I’m able to enjoy myself

But I smoke a lot so… i don’t know how that would hit someone on the street

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Welcome to OG @Contribution !

I’m also in T.dot and never really found clones myself unless it was trading with growmies.

As mentioned, Primo Clones Canada is 100% where i’d go if I wanted clones in S.Ont. I know you can get clones north of Toronto in reservations but more complicated here.

Depending on what you’re looking for we could also work out a trade and meet up but def check out @Justblazin 's gear!


Yeah basically the more I found out about the clone game the more I found out you’re better off with a legit guy with a good library and reviews like primo

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