Copa Genetics

I have them listed under my oddities and commodities page on my website. You can also just shoot me a email or a DM with info and we will get this sorted out.

Thank you again :pray:


So are we supposed to send mailing info through your site for the testers?
I went and selected can testers 15.00 ? Is this correct still have it in the cart .


I went almost all through checkout to find no place to add user name / comment ??? can we just dm our shiping info on here, like for the last round of testers ??


Just shoot me a email or DM. And we can get this sorted out. @Kami @ShiskaberrySavior


@Bizzaro i like that you went with the dealers choice , you know anything in that pile of seeds is fire !!!


Glad to see almost everyone has made a choice.


Going with dealer’s choice. I’ll be able to start upon arrival. I’ll dm you my address.
Thank you for organizing this @Enjoi802 and thank you @CopaGenetics


Man if I wasn’t already testing for Norstar genetics I’d be all over this !

Maybe next time after these are done and there’s a new round of crosses to play with, I’ll be back to having extra space and can join in on the fun!


Hey everyone I just wanted to say that I am very excited for this round of testers! I really was impressed with everyone’s amazing results last round! I know this round will have some incredible results to behold! I also wanted to thank @Enjoi802 for being such an awesome dude in getting this together for @CopaGenetics I can’t wait to see what everyone does with these awesome pedigree genetics! This has been beyond an honor to test out some of these incredible crosses and hats off to Copa for having the brains to make selections based on so many things. Very creative and unique, yet practical in terms of functionality. Resistance, health vigor you got it, unique flavor profiles, check. Incredible highs that seems to always be deepening my understanding of this plant and it’s many uses yurp! Ok yep i’m a Copa gear head for life, Sorry gas station berner beans and big dans out there I’d rather grow with Creatively Open Possibilities Always! See what I did there lol
Cheers Friends!


Hey @Bizzaro also just wanted to show the #2 pheno of Reeses cut X Gsd F6 I just harvested few weeks ago. Hearing everyone been loving yours! I’ve Been smoking her lately and it’s truly amazing bud! This pheno had more of a slightly minty berry cotton candy, almost pepto bismol, with slight peppery, peaches flavor in there with a super “clean” smell of nature after it rains, if that makes sense haha. The high is fast paced at first makes one super focused on tasks until the thoughts dance away into rabbit holes of your choosing lol. Definitely a unique high for sure. Not as Gassy/menthol as the #1 pheno, and as matter of fact, the bud isn’t super stinky at all compared to first pheno. You kinda have to break it up to get the flavors but they are there! Everyone who tried this is in love and I had to dedicate a 4x2 to this cut for now. Just figured I’d share I never really followed up with the indoor Reeses x gsd f6 grow


That looks like a nice plant right there!!!

I did leave them on my website for folks who don’t care what they get and don’t wanna DM


Very neat old IG post I found about Icy Grape, really useful for my current second grow of it and judging these phenos against the one I already flowered and loved:

This first link I posted is actually the info on The Maine Event

@Weednerd.Anthony @buckaroobonsai this is the correct Icy Grape phenos link:


I was browsing that Doc D drop and noticed that Copa has a bunch of new interesting freebies at GLG, packs are full price but it’s double freebie packs, two per purchased pack, so it’s the pack for $50 plus 10 free seeds. Icy OG catches my eye, along with Ancient Elephantizer:


damn thats tempting


Most of those freebies are pretty obvious I think, anything OG is probably an AOG cross, there’s crosses to Ancient Elephantizer, Icy Grape, Mullum, the skunk is probably the Ethos 9D4 Skunk, and then I think Loca Vieja must be a selected pheno of Crazy Bitch or a cross of it, I’ll have to ask him.


the timetrip intrests me after seeing someone grew it this summer


@CamTheCannaman and @Bizzaro you both have me thinking its time to give the reeses cut gsd f6 a try. i just have had it curing so far. glad to see people are liking it and are giving it high grade reviews.
mine had strong spice / pepper aromas to it. i love Copa’s gear that is all i grew this year. this is what another member said about copa’s ancient sunshine i shared with him, which has been my go to lately. just a wonderful feeling /buzz.


That’s a great cut you got there!


I can’t wait to run these frostitute x appy 4 i have. I should be starting in about a week or less!


Welcome to OG and the Copa thread, @CocoaCoir

How/where are you growing and how did you find your way here? Frostitute x Appalachia will be fun and frosty, you’re going to have a good time I’m sure!

Also, definitely say hello and tell the community a little about yourself in our new member introduction thread, it’s a great place to meet regulars and start getting some advice on where to find what you need from this site, without having to jump right into digging through thousands of posts, though it’s all set up pretty logically here and the search engine is very powerful once you learn the tricks.