Incoherent gibberish & Goji F2s. Also Bodhi adventures & pollen chucks

Haven’t sampled much lately due to being extremely busy with life and family health stuff. Will probably try another tonight but so far I’m operating under the assumption that these have nice mellow & relaxing effects but are not as uplifting or mood enhancing as the mom was. I’ll likely be taking a break from gardening until late fall or winter because I’m going to be incredibly busy starting next month, but still want to daydream about the next (probably fall-winter) project.

Looking for feedback on next variety to explore. Whatever I do will likely either get lower sites pollen chucked with the Goji male or get chucked with a male from one of the varieties.

– These are the top 4 that I’ve currently narrowed it down and am leaning towards :

  • Dragons Milk - Only found one report on this but seems very promising. @schmarmpit did a fantastic job testing and documenting it here for those interested : Bodhi Testers: Black Triangle and Dragonsoul X Strawberry Milk . I’m almost certainly going to do at least a couple of these.

  • Kush4 x SSDD - after re-reading @Nube 's review of Kush4 x OMG, the Kush4 phenos sound very tempting to seek out. Source : Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1) - #1083 by nube

  • 3 Headed Dragon F2 (GLG) - Not sure why this has entered my mind, but it is calling to me for whatever reason. Read a few reports on RIU that the 3 Headed Dragon male that DBJ used was quite special.

  • Field Trip - I’ve seen quite a few reports on this strain that make it sound worth trying to me. I previously have tried Granola Funk (GSCxWookie) and was very underwhelmed, but am wondering if the SSDD dad could pull things in a direction that I like. I don’t ordinarily gravitate towards cookies crosses but for some reason this is tempting me to give it a try.

Other considerations that I am interested in, but not overly excited about :

  • Chem 91 SVA x SSDD, Beautiful Day, Waking Dream, Sunshine Queen, Black Raspberry , Dazzleberry , Purple Soul ,Jungle Spice

I wasn’t too thrilled with the last pack of Black Triangle that I went through (I liked Devil’s HP a lot more), but feel like with all the hype maybe a Triangle cross is worth giving another chance?

  • Golden HP , Black Triangle , Purple Triangle