Incoherent gibberish & Goji F2s. Also Bodhi adventures & pollen chucks

Another pheno, decided to sample it in the vape. 5~ medium sized inhalations @ 365F.

Creeper high with interesting effects. Feels more “indica” than the mom for sure at the moment. Strong taste that lingers for 10~ minutes after consumption.

Best attempt at description is citrus, skunky, pine, sour, old coins.

Strength : High

Noticeable effects :Tranquil, relaxing, mostly clear headed


I was going to say @The_Lazy_Hippie’s project is going to get them in 200 hands. The individual growers are also getting them into hands.

With the Lazy run all inter sex were eliminated. Some of the individual growers made seeds from them but Lazy stated they had to have the disclaimer. Some of those showed no intersex in the clones and others just a few nanners.

There is going to be Goji OG F2 everywhere soon.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Sounds like we’re right on track then… …and that much closer to Overgrowing the planet. :grin: :v:


Didn’t have time to take 50 pictures+ again but wanted to update. Tried another pheno last night and still have 3 or 4 left to try I think. Haven’t found anything that strikes me as uplifting as the mom yet, but without cure it’s possibly too early to judge anyways.

As with the others there are a couple immature seeds in the buds. I believe this is the pheno that I spotted a banana in, but not sure since I was unable to be as organized as I’d usually like for the jarring process. Looks like it to me.

Observations :

  • Mellow
  • Calming
  • Good for activities
  • Decent flavor
  • Mood neutral

We’ll see how and if the effects change in the coming weeks. Will possibly try this one tonight that I neglected to trim beyond fan leaves :


Reposting a Goji F2 picture from another forum done beautifully by @bytheKasiz

I missed out on the Goji f1 but there’s some real good peeps out here and im blessed.
Goji f2- first one to flower and black sharpie slight berry terps on the squeeze. She’s sticky and also bleached from my new led. She shot straight to the light leaving the other plants in the dust. I was never a snow lotus fan but she has great potential and would rock outside for sure.

Haven’t seen any purple tinted calyxes in mine so that’s kinda cool to see. Like the calyx-to-leaf ratio there too, seems fairly attractive!


There will be Goji OG raining down on this community with in the month.

:green_heart: :seedling:


damn @bytheKasiz killed it with that gogi f2 shes a beaut!



Beautiful Bud! OMG!



Haven’t sampled much lately due to being extremely busy with life and family health stuff. Will probably try another tonight but so far I’m operating under the assumption that these have nice mellow & relaxing effects but are not as uplifting or mood enhancing as the mom was. I’ll likely be taking a break from gardening until late fall or winter because I’m going to be incredibly busy starting next month, but still want to daydream about the next (probably fall-winter) project.

Looking for feedback on next variety to explore. Whatever I do will likely either get lower sites pollen chucked with the Goji male or get chucked with a male from one of the varieties.

– These are the top 4 that I’ve currently narrowed it down and am leaning towards :

  • Dragons Milk - Only found one report on this but seems very promising. @schmarmpit did a fantastic job testing and documenting it here for those interested : Bodhi Testers: Black Triangle and Dragonsoul X Strawberry Milk . I’m almost certainly going to do at least a couple of these.

  • Kush4 x SSDD - after re-reading @Nube 's review of Kush4 x OMG, the Kush4 phenos sound very tempting to seek out. Source : Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1) - #1083 by nube

  • 3 Headed Dragon F2 (GLG) - Not sure why this has entered my mind, but it is calling to me for whatever reason. Read a few reports on RIU that the 3 Headed Dragon male that DBJ used was quite special.

  • Field Trip - I’ve seen quite a few reports on this strain that make it sound worth trying to me. I previously have tried Granola Funk (GSCxWookie) and was very underwhelmed, but am wondering if the SSDD dad could pull things in a direction that I like. I don’t ordinarily gravitate towards cookies crosses but for some reason this is tempting me to give it a try.

Other considerations that I am interested in, but not overly excited about :

  • Chem 91 SVA x SSDD, Beautiful Day, Waking Dream, Sunshine Queen, Black Raspberry , Dazzleberry , Purple Soul ,Jungle Spice

I wasn’t too thrilled with the last pack of Black Triangle that I went through (I liked Devil’s HP a lot more), but feel like with all the hype maybe a Triangle cross is worth giving another chance?

  • Golden HP , Black Triangle , Purple Triangle

I grew out a pack of the Black Raspberry and weren’t terribly impressed by them. They didn’t retain the uplifting effects of the Goji F1s, and the lavender terps from the Wookie were very dominant.

Disappointing to hear that your F2s so far haven’t shown that either, I suppose the hunt continues. SSDDxGoji sounds interesting, but my Goji hunt is certainly going to keep my garden crowded for a bit.


Selfishly my vote is for kush4xssdd or field trip as Ive got packs of them to try someday :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. There arent many reports on kush4 at all - I think nubes is the only thorough one Ive seen!


Damn, I guess I don’t qualify! My vote is for kush4 x SSDD cause @nube does good work.


just read the dragonsoul x Sm thread that sounds quite intresting my vote for sure would be that one strawberry milk crosses intruige with the lineage, im trying my first one with strawberry temple right now although the kush4 x omg smoke reports do be sounding awesome that number #6 pheno nube found sounds like a real winner either way excited to follow along when you get around too it :slightly_smiling_face:


I just found this thread, so apologies if I’m late to the party. Been busy, and don’t usually browse much anyway…but glad I found it! Hope nobody minds if I add my own incoherent gibberish. :wink:

It honestly looks like it’s doing some of that in the pics you’ve posted, as the depth of field is much greater than I’d expect to see with those focal distances.

I’m not a good judge, as my pic taking is budget at best since they’re almost all phone camera shots with zero editing other than color temp if the camera app gets it wrong. In general I think your pics are well-composed, but the lighting could use improvement like @minitiger said. Low light pics just don’t pop imho. They’re also harder to edit, if you’re doing that sort of thing. You’ve got the chops. I agree with what both you @syzygy and @iamyou_youareme said about fake flash frost. I really try to avoid posting pics that look different than what I see in real life.

100% this. I just take a bunch of pics and pull out the 1 or 2 decent ones.

I get that metallic flavor from some of the Cheech Wizard. Must be something in the synergy between OG and the SL dad. The CW flavor doesn’t stick around much, tho.

Hope all is well and no major disruptions!

I’ve known a couple people to grow this one and neither liked it at all. The consensus was small buds that are super frosty but lack flavor and effect, much like the mom used. Some people aren’t impressed by the SSDD dad, but I guess it depends on the cross. What kind of effects are you looking for?

On another subject, I’ve heard the same as @PineScented from a local friend who grew out the Black Raz - I sampled it and it was basically just wookie flavored, but the quality of the sample was old and dry and small, so I can’t say I saw its best side.

Out of your other options, I’m guessing Purple Soul might be a good one. I’m surprised you didn’t find anything enjoyable out of the BT, but I guess it depends what you’re looking for. TK is legendary for a reason, but it might just not be your cup of tea!

I’m out of likes, but I’ll come back and rectify that later.

:peace_symbol: :rainbow:


Thanks for stopping in as well as everyone else for input! I really appreciate that Field Trip anecdote as well as the Black Razz feedback from both of you, which contributes to me leaning towards the other 2 more. I do feel like I should really try out one of the Purple Unicorn crosses sometime and Purple Soul may be a good candidate.

The Black Triangle was good but honestly I just liked the “keeper” Devil’s Hp much more judging by every metric (still have 3 packs of BT to go through, may find something more appealing). I put keeper in quotes because I only tried 3 females so I’m sure there are better phenos to be found in that line still. To be fair some of the Black Triangle was partially seeded, however I don’t judge based on strength due to having fairly low tolerance so I’m not sure how much that matters. The flavor and aroma were more pronounced in the Devil’s HP, more unique (church), and had a more balanced effect. My BT were all a bit heavier on the narcotic spectrum and felt a bit like SSDD to me.

I like variety and trying new things, so mostly all effects are good for me so long as they don’t induce extreme racy thoughts or anxiety. Rules out hazes for me usually.

I’m liking the idea of K4 x SSDD & Dragons Milk. Could maybe do 1/2 Dragons Milk , 1/4 K4 x SSDD , and 1/4 K4 x SL . So / too many options …


The Jungle Spice is remarkable herb! Great taste and delightful stone.




I tested those Golden HP beans for Bodhi a few years ago and it was pretty friggin’ outstanding. Really, really gooey, too. Like, just oozing outta the flowers and down the leaves and shit. Real good weed. Very tasty, very complex, the kinda stuff where the flavor kind of evolves in your mouth for a minute or two after exhaling.


So, would you say its about 35% sat 65 indica? joking Hard to not be extremely tempted to try it after reading comments like that. Been a long time since I’ve had an absurdly sticky strain.

I think an even mix of these 3 wouldn’t be bad. Different dads in all of them so that’s kind of nice for variety sake :

Dragons Milk
Kush4 x SSDD
Golden HP


I actually audibly chuckled when I read that. Hahaha…

Yeah, I like to try and grow dissimilar genetics every round (even though I’m growing two Sour Diesel hybrids right now, along with some stuff that isn’t anything like SD). I feel like it maybe keeps me from building up much of a tolerance. Plus, variety’s just nice.

That Golden HP really was more “gooey” than “sticky.” I dunno, there’s a difference in my mind, like maybe when you touch the nugs, they don’t necessarily stick to your fingers. But once you start breaking them up, it’s just, like… I dunno. GOOEY haha. Yeah, I’d for sure plant those. I still have a few seeds of that one left, but I don’t wanna pop them until I’m relatively sure I can clone them successfully. That one was a keeper for sure.

Edit: I’d post a link to the GT grow report, but that was the one that got deleted from thcfarmer because I mentioned COVID.


What are the parents of that one… Golden Tiger, G13hp?