Negative feedback on trades

Alright I’m an old vet so I’m hardcore about honoring commitments . This gentleman has a pretty extensive track record of lying & cheating . The whole time he’s promising y’all to make good he’s scamming me & who knows else . This leopard aint changed its spots… His next victim may not be as blessed as I am , 2pks of seeds aint gonna make me do without . I’m having somewhat of a hard time accepting that you guys still want the weasel in the henhouse . Now WTF’s up with dat…


Actually I’ve traded with a dozen others who were great . Ton of knowledge here & the good far outways the bad . You also have to look out for yourself which I too failed to do .


This is kinda my personal model for a Canna-family.
But if everyone followed this model you can be sure we would have the worlds greatest Canna-Family. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Just throwing it out there.
Smoke one and think about it for a bit.



Withdrawing post

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I need to get more medicated after reading all this. :upside_down_face: :grimacing: :neutral_face: :expressionless: :no_mouth:


Next victim…we’ll see I hope you’re right . Aint beating a dead horse 'cause he aint owned up to me . Yes it takes an adult to look another in the eye & admit fault & to make restitution . Look its obvious you like the kid , I get that & it sounds like you have something invested in him too .

Withdrawing post


Lol I really don’t want to comment about the guy, but why is he promising trades…lots of people give stuff away…the way I see it is if you got it share it…not much need to trade, unless it’s clones…




Very apt. Have horse, will beat until dead as a door nail.


Royal is a documented and confirmed scammer.
They have been caught selling and trading bogus seeds using plagiarized photos to pass them off as desirable strains.

This post has links to all relevant documentation:

This was confirmed by trowertripper who grew out the seeds, and found they did not resemble lebanese landrace, and were hermaphrodites.


Who’s Royal?

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Royal is a user here. The links have all the relevant documentation of their scam.


I just did a trade, never got seeds from one person , hopefully they do arrive, let me see what he traded recently

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It was NL1 X God’s glue, hope it’s legit, man wondering if I should toss them now. Lol


I don’t like writing negative reviews in principle. This community is very generous and I don’t want to seem ungrateful. It’s no fun having members change the terms of the trade after receiving my seeds or receiving what appear to be immature seeds, but i’m writing this post today to highlight an instance of an incomplete trade/being ghosted. I understand life happens and sometimes you’re unable to follow through on things for various reasons…

Worked out a trade with Ras around XMas/New Year, my portion was confirmed received. Waited a good while for his to come through, tried sending some follow up messages but never heard back. Guess I got ghosted?

EDIT: Package arrived today to my surprise, thank you for following through @Ras

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They haven’t posted since the end of Jan but did log on March 1st. What were they sending you?

He sent me a wrong package supposed to be for other member, mine was more interesting, at least for me, no notices since … icon_e_confused|nullxnull

Awww crap, I sent that member CG x Xmas Bud and claimed it never arrived in Quebec. Probably did and he lied. Thanks for the heads up. Between the Doc and Royal, my selectivity is increasing…


I don’t understand why people are deceived. Is it really better than creating something good? Of course no.