re:Strainly - who is Cloney Soprano?

Oh man, that really sucks :slightly_frowning_face:
Hopefully he didn’t infect to many peoples gardens.

Hope he deals with it and gets back on his feet.


Let us all pray cloney can get back on his feet and back to charging $1k for a clone.


Lol you made me spit my coffee out.


sigh, those were the days … :roll_eyes:

i hate that “merrit” has changed places with “wallets”
for most people today … it’s just a shame, ey :frowning:


He does charge way to much for his cuts but alot of people have sourced hard to find cuts through him and been happy to pay what he charges.
I never have purchased from him and i think he’s charging way to much.


He makes a good observation.

But I think the loves still there. It was always just friends sharing cuts. And im sure many friends on here have sent cuts back and forth.

Theres just these “business men” now. And I think they should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.


Oh yes there is a ton of cuts flying all over as gifts or trades


Damn cloney does have a lot of stuff Ive been searching for. Lemon tree and bubba mainly. But damn he has a lot of cuts.

250-1500’a cut is pretty insane. But personally I wouldn’t complain too much about spending $250 on a cut. If I had no other option Id be spending that on s1s anyways hoping to find something worthy.

Theres only 1 cut id spend crazy money on. PKs Sour Bubble. I could probably go pretty crazy on that one. I wonder how much id actually spend if it came to it.

But If I had to guess the hlvd is gonna impact the prices here soon.


Might have to get the sour d from you now :grin:


Yea that sucks, hope he gets back on his feet. No sign on my cuts so far.
Question about this “Claim”

  1. The guy in post claims Cloney destroyed his garden with HLVD.
  2. The guy claims he got MORE CUTS FROM THE HLVD GARDEN?

wait a guy ruined your garden, and you get more cuts from him? hm

Not saying the guy is not telling the truth, just doesn’t pass the “common sense” or the “smell test”. I’m searching around for more evidence to believe his claim. Might still be true, be careful


This is a fair point. I know who gave me hpld and I’d never take another cut from him after all the destruction

Just to be clear, a local guy was giving out the dirty cuts. He also knew they were diseased and didn’t tell anyone. Ruined a lot of people’s gardens


I got HLVD from someone on here

but they were 100% transparent and replaced my cuts with clean ones they tested, and they do ongoing testing.

I don’t talk about it much because it felt like a learning mistake.


I just got the SoCal Master Kush from Cloney, went with 4 unrooted snips, and all 4 are in solo cups now. I’ll be ordering a HLVD test and share the results with you all. I’ve only taken cuts from JPS here, everything else has been from seed in my own garden. None of my other plants show any issues. So I’ll only be testing the MK since it has been in quarantine up until 2 days ago.


Just received message back from Cloney.
Claim is from disgruntled customer denied refund. And Cloney showed me recent message from a guy in UK who has a lot of his clones DOUBLE TESTED. I’m not worried off of 1 bad review message that seems like false alarm.
Hapi growing


Good to know! Planning on sharing this cutting so testing is wise regardless. I appreciate you reaching out and sharing with us.


Cut of May for me, it’s very fresh. Nothing to complain about. Now it’s important to share some details about this guy, to compensate a bit the obvious high-jacking lol.

  • CS is not your friend but a provider. I personally love it, all discussions are focused on getting the shit done asap.
  • CS is not an adviser in anyway, so he will push what is the more efficient for him if you obviously don’t know what you want. It’s legit and I’ve the same philosophy.
  • Dodge strainly if you can. CS is not a one-man-army, better to talk with the pope if you need to check a cut.
  • It’s not amazon, be patient. For international it took one month for me (not the shipping, that was crazy fast and stellar).
  • Don’t consider that if you got the right cut one time, it will be the case each time if you don’t mind to check it. With all clone’s sellers. It’s not because money, it’s because we are damned stoners ^^
  • 20 years ago, most of the cuts in circulation (let’s say the “kind” of cuts) weren’t sold and openly available. It’s an interesting subject to debate in term of comparative factual effects, but in this context telling anyone what should be his price is nonsense for me. If you don’t want to buy, take the time to trade. Simple.



Who offers the best testing service?

Im getting a few cuts from people for breeding projects and one of them lives in cali.

So id rather be safe than sorry


Probably tumi genomics


250-1000$ for a cut is a lot of money. Im sure everyone would rather get them for free. Who wouldnt. But…

People spent tens of thousands of dollars on OG cuts back in the day.

Im sure if we peeked behind the curtain at his business model it would make a lot more sense.

He has to source, store, maintain, ship etc etc.

The fact that he has so many highly prized cuts is what gives the prices a little more credibility to me.

If you want one of these and cant find it. His prices might be worth it to you.


Another consideration is how much did he pay for the cuts, how much to maintain all of them — fertilizer, space, maintenance time, ipm

I also hear multiple times about how he hooks it up. This is a business just like when you go to your job. You want to work for free?