re:Strainly - who is Cloney Soprano?

Same price we all pay to do it, there’s a big gap between free and 1k a cut.


You’re maintaining the same size collection of cuts?

I feel the same way about rent utilities and a bunch of other things that people are expressing here. They are higher than they should be.

You also have seed packs for 500 with no guarantee.

For some people the price will not make sense for them to purchase that clone. Most of his stuff isn’t a 1k though


I don’t see how his plant count should effect what the consumer pays, maybe I do maybe I don’t. But I look out for folks and don’t charge em the troll toll.


In my eyes, it’s sincerely an interesting discussion to debate (specially with an opposite opinion) if we keep away all bible sellers and that we really enter in the subject straight. Open a thread and i follow.


“One man’s trash is the next man’s treasure”
Since Clones are: 1 of 1.
The price is worth it to some. Especially for those who have already tasted and fell in love with the " 1 of 1" clone. They may have grown thousands of “seeds” trying to find something close to the same genetic makeup as the “1 of 1”.
A Clone is unique, imitated but never reproduced exactly the same from a seed. I get it though some “like to hunt”. Hunting is fun finding new “1 of 1’s”. I have hundreds of seeds. But love and agree with the Thousands who fall in love with the same “1 of 1’s” over the decades. imo


Clone sellers offer a service and a convenience to the entire community in some way. Them spreading around clones helps keep some of these clones going. It’s just too bad it’s a bit of a cesspool so often. Cloney’s prices don’t fly with me. 250 is my limit for anything, and I can generally get well under 100 for most things if they’re not free ninety nine.

The sad reality with cannabis is that the illegal and shady shit slows down as soon as there is a threat of consequences. Until it’s fedally, it will have a disproportionate number of low life con artists :pensive:


To each their own. You don’t agree with the price than don’t buy from him.
A lot of pot businesses put a toll on it, fertilizer is notoriously overpriced, almost every service industry catering to weed, bank compliance lawyers all charge pot rates.
A lot of seed sellers are less than honest about what they’re selling also

My .02 cents take on this


I have his sour diesel which I’ve tested twice, but I bought it two and a half years ago.

Keep your tools clean and your plants safe y’all.


Possession is nine-tenths of the rule…


tbf with the clone business, selling one clone is as good as selling 200 if the buyer is slightly competent enough to take cuts. $1000 doesn’t sound so bad when in reality you’re getting infinite plants (skill level depending) out of the deal


Dude’s basically putting his entire business up for auction for $10-20k, when you think about it like that. :stuck_out_tongue: Not that I’m trying to buy any clones for $1k, but it’s just a fragile business model and it’s understandable why most people trying to make a business out of it overcharge. I do respect people who don’t overcharge considerably more though. Whoever Cloney Soprano is, he’s probably hearing the clock tick on legalization and squeezing as much money out of people as possible while he can.


Ok, why don’t we take this reasoning further? Is 20k reasonable for a cut (it is infinite plants as you say)… Is 100k reasonable for a clone that produces infinite plants? If the choice for me is 1k for a single clone, or, e.g., $100 for 150 seeds through someone like hoss (each of which could produce an infinite number of plants btw), then the clone becomes harder to justify.

Cloney can charge whatever he wants, I don’t lose sleep over it. But let’s not pretend that he’s doing us a great service by maximizing his profits. I’m not looking down on people selling 1k cuts, nor people buying them. Simply not my philosophy…

I can assure you that at those prices he’s doing much much better than simply breaking-even from his overhead costs. I’ve given away probably 20 named clones for free, and I don’t have nearly the same access and stable he has. It probably costs me more to ship a clone (which he likely charges extra for) than to keep the mother around and pay for cloning supplies.

If you’ve got a decent sized room, there’s not too much difference between 10 clones and 50, in my opinion.



That’s a ny clone supplier right?


Not sure where he’s based, fairly sure that’s the “Genetic Designer” dude who’s been trying to sell his stuff on GLG for $10k per pack. Same game as Cloney, just shooting for bigger fish. At those prices, it doesn’t matter much if it’s just bagseed, if you sell just one you’ve got it made. If you’re sleazy enough to do shit like that in the first place, anyway. :roll_eyes: Cloney is probably better and selling legit cuts, but still - just a few sales is all it takes.


Another point people miss with these prices is 280e which basically makes it so you have very little to write off on taxes. If you buy a super expensive clone, it can lower tax liability.

A few articles in the current events section are worth reading about the current trend of contractions the industry is experiencing


It definitely makes more sense to pay high prices as a dispensary for these hyped clones of the month, just to move more product. And I get economies of scale make a 1k clone negligible. That’s certainly not the perspective I’m speaking from as a measly personal homegrower.

That said, I don’t think paying 1k to save like 700 in taxes will ever make sense financially, unless you really want/need that clone for other reasons. Would be much nicer from the buyer side to buy a $100 or even $20 clone (and also write that off).


Each time we put another foot in this very important and interesting discussion (for all), we are bumping Strainly and CS. Making it a pure mercantile action … just saying ^^

I open a thread if you want, i’m genuinely interested to know all opinions on this matter.

Update : never better served than by yourself ^^

Go ahead and let cool down this thread for the sole feedbacks.


This, will possible be a game changer.
SKUNKVA…Here we go, folks. Big things coming directly to you. The largest genetic repository on the globe. We will be offering you Gen 0 clones straight from the meristem. Almost 600 clone only varietals and growing. We are finally opening the library to the world. To you.
Be on the lookout for more info…
“What’s in your garden?”

repost from @thecraftmedical The Grateful Head LLC.
A Global Genetics Repository.

It’s with great pride and happiness I make this formal announcement that @kevinjodrey @dutch_blooms @skunk_va @luckydogseedco @fireintheholegenetics and more have joined TGH. We have near 600 amazing cultivars to bring to the public. Things from the past, present and future. We believe it is an amazing library and are beyond ecstatic to offer it to you, the Community. We will be dropping around 40 cultivars (1000 plants) in mid August which will be Gen 0 tissue culture clones from meristem. We are working on a catalog and other items for the website for you to browse which are taking time as it’s extremely laborsome. We will also be releasing new cultivars weekly throughout the year after the first drop and scheduling exclusive, particular drops throughout the year which will be announced by category. It’s time to put aside the high prices, bugs, pathogens and pressures and come select cultivars that are clean and have chain of custody provenance from some of the most well know genetics collectors in the :earth_americas:


I purchased an additional clone from him because he was taking over a month to reship, I knew it would actually motivate him to send.

Here’s the full proof if you don’t believe me, I have no problem providing sample tube codes for everything as well.

He blocked me after I requested a $200 refund for one cut when he screwed me on many.

I made a post on Reddit detailing everything with full screenshots of our months of conversations, overgrow wont let me attach more than 1 image bc new account but I can literally prove all of this.

It’s crazy people don’t test their shit and assume things are good so then anyone who does must be lying lmfao