What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

Yeah well what are u gonna do. I’ve said all I wanna say about it… thinking about it still pisses me off.

Anyways. It’s over now. I learned my lesson. No more Exotic Genetix for me… I’ll stick to breeders who actually treat me right… Bodhi and Strayfox have done a great job of shining a bright example of not only how to treat their customers… but they make more interesting/better crosses anyway… I’d much rather support the good guys.

I’ve never been one for fem seeds but I have picked up some of the stuff Stray has made… and also some great looking packs/creations from Ohms_seeds… but usually I stick to regs… prefer the heirloom stuff over the crosses made with hype strains anyways.

Not to mention other great guys out there like Jaws, Cannavore, Hammerhead, KAB aka Karmasabitch, Relentless, Tony Green, Inkognyto theres so many… all guys who had their humble beginnings start on the forums with people like us… and took the leap to make seeds for all of us… they actually deserve and appreciate the business.



Just a thought about ethos. I’d guess that most of his money comes from bulk fem seed sales to licensed farms. Homegrow clientele is not his biggest concern right now


I am currently getting those runaround vibes from a certain breeder in England, who still hasn’t sent my seeds since ordering after Christmas.


I hope it’s not who I think but I bet it is. I had a f-around and won’t ever be returning my business.


When do we get to find out the name @Fitzera


Wait who’s doing what?


I’m also waiting on 2 orders… one placed December 6th from a breeder directly from Canada… and another one (totally different breeder) December 28th from right here in the United States… both have told me a couple of times “it’s in the mail”… so I believe what you’re saying @Dope_Heffalump

Sometimes these guys are slow. I tell you what though… the guy from the US… one day I asked him for a list of his seeds… he was then in my inbox that Friday morning (payday) asking for the sale… I kid you not… and I sent the money. Was told I’d be informed when they are on the way… they’ve supposedly been on the way a couple of times now.

Both of these guys have a stellar reputation so I’m not worried… I just wish people would send when they say they will… or at least give an upfront honest expectation.


“15 minutes guy”


I’ve already spoken of it in the past. And I don’t want to give it the energy of writing it all out again. Very very long. End of the story was I did get my order with extras.

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good advice. i went to authentic genetics looking for a 10 pack of specifically NL5 IBL and they just so happened to have a special 50 seeds of the nl5 ibl for 100 bucks. great deal and really good timing. they have a handful of specials going on right now.


Who made the Coastal Blueberry?


I’m interested to see what you find in those lost skunk f2’s / crosses. Those were made by the homie @Zanzibar. Here’s a link to his thread in case you’d like to have a look.

And he also made that “SLSMAC” cross, btw. :+1:


Wow! its a small
Thanks very much
I appreciate that info ill read that later, can you tell me if they’re quality gear, am i likely to find some quality skunk terps?
Thank you


What is also cool is that google and its employees then know what in your fridge. Might even be that ppl searching for a strain in google find that page. Or authorities asking google for informations on you (which they’ll give). Nothing is really free with google. It seems so but it’s actually the other way around: YOU are giving them your data for free for them to make money on them. You’re basically the product. If you want that list on your phone, safer to sync it from your PC. But I guess it depends on the legal status of MJ where one is. In my case opsec is important.

Can’t wait too. Plan to run them later, that LS seems so dank!


Hey bud coastal blueberry is from strawberry hills seeds.


I have yet to run them but I’m sure you will find some real stinkers in there… I’m sure Zanzi will chime in with better details once he sees this. :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s not a big concern of mine. I doubt some software engineer at Google cares that I bought 2 packs of Bodhi’s Cherry Unicorn last year. Not to mention the data isn’t all that important. It’s just a list of strains.

No not really. You can ensure your list isn’t indexed by search engines. It’s a simple setting. Many web pages aren’t indexed by search engines. Even on social media platforms such as Facebook… there’s a setting if you’d prefer not to be easily findable by not having your page indexed.

Google IMO is the lesser of two evils. I’m a good customer of theirs… YouTubeTV, YouTube premium, Google Cloud, running all Android products… all the time. I also work for one of these big billion dollar communications companies during the day… I don’t avoid big tech… I lean right into it.


I get that, my paranoid mind / shitty laws just took another direction :smiley: Each one their own.


You’ll find lots of Cheese in the Lost Skunk. Very stinky, microbial, punched up cheese aromas.
Those Lost Skunk Crosses are really nice, too. I’ll post some pics soon in the Lost Skunk thread of those. They’re turning out really nice