"Cause once in awhile you gy shown the light...."

Ok I don’t know.if I am doing all this correctly but I’ll start off by making and intro of some sorts. My name is Andrea I’m a deadhead stoner skater hippie chic to not make this long and drawn out … I have had a passion for marijuana since I was 12 and I found my dad’s stash under his recliner… I love the buds how they look how the taste the different strains i studied the effects what the different strains were used for what kind of weed was it indica sativa hybrid???)I learned out to cook it , how ro make dabs, and oil…eyc… Since i stopped drinking and all other recreational drugs 3 years ago Ive gotten serious about always having to have a big stash of weed. Recently my job got shutdown unexpectedly and I’m having a hard time finding work ( i dont have a very good resume cause in sold weed illegally for awhile and there’s alot of gaps in it. Employers see me as unhireable , but that’s neither here nor there just know that I. Not a lazy person and that’s on them cause I’m a good worker. Since it’s been hard for me to find work , I went from broke too broke. So to combat too much free time and not having weed I want to start growing my own. people have donated everything I need take the back of my walki n closet a grow room . I have everything i need but the seeds and know how… That’s how I ran across the website … If anyone is reading this and would like to be my mentor or help out with some seeds … I am a quick learner , am no where near a lazy person… I don’t want to grow whole lot just enough for me , my wife , and my father … So like four plants top… I need a miracle fellow tokers amd growing enthusiasm. Please someone or someone’s if id like to help and build a mentoring relationship with me let me know … Sorry if I am rambling and jumping subjects I just wanted to try and make sure I told u about me without giving my whole life story and still it seems long… Ok stopping now…
Peace and One Love,


Welcome to OG @GratefuLez ! This is a different beast of a forum and you’re gonna be very happy to learn, share and grow with everyone on here!

For beans there are several ways to go about getting them here on OG.

If you are just starting out keep an eye out on the free seeds, free clones thread as give-a-ways happen all the time.

If you have something to share/trade, then take a looksie here:

Additionally there are co-op runs where you can sign-up for seeds when the wiki (sign-up) happens. There’s a list of them here and just use the search function to find the threads.

Happy growing!



You have also calls for testers on regular basis. To help the OG breeders to muscle their game.
Constant and serious testers are more rare than seeds here ;o)


Hang around, make some friends

Let me know if you can’t find anything

I like your intro, had to read it twice to figure out your username


Welcome @GratefuLez . :grin: Just relax, interact with people and make friends and soon you will have more seeds than you could ever grow. :joy: :rainbow:


Welcome to the club @GratefuLez! :wave:
Always great to have another Head 'round these parts!

:skull: :rose:

edit: based on your name & profile pic, I think you might enjoy this thread


Welcome to OG!
Glade to have ya.
Everyone above me speaks the truth.

Tell us about your setup.
Do grow soilless or in the dirt?
What kinda space, lights, and environment are you working with?

Also, tell me what kinda plants you wanna grow.
I’ll look though my stash this weekend and find something to send ya.


Welcome! You’ll love it here at OG!


Welcome @GratefuLez ! Some other people have already given great info on how to go about getting going. So, great intro, you’re gonna fit right in!


The strangest of places….
Am I looking at it right?

:laughing: welcome


I can send you some feminized seeds I’ve made so you dont have males to sort out, let me know @GratefuLez


@Jango is exactly what this forum is all about. That is super cool of you my friend. Welcome to the community @GratefuLez this place is full of incredible amounts of love, knowledge, and very compassionate, generous human beings. You definitely came to right place and you are always welcome here!!


Cheers bro, just trying to help a lady in need☺


Cheers girl-bro! everyone’s here to help. just put in your effort, ask real questions, and provide relevant information. and your fingers will be sticky asap with those sweet trichomes.

Small, achievable goals are the best. I like growing things in pairs, so like 2 of these, 2 of those… it’s easier to get early warnings for issues with 2 of them. Plus, double the harvest of favorites.


Thanks for the warm welcome this is the nicest folks have been to me in a long time I live in the back hills of southern WV for a deadhead skateboarding lesbian who’s covered in tats it’s not the most welcoming places and as for what kinda seeds surprise me I’m asking for help beggwra can’t be choosers I just appreciate it k


Click on my avatar and send me a message with your details and I’ll send some beans👍


About all I know about West Virginia is the Canaan Valley area, and it stunningly beautiful, when we visited that area, one fall many years ago now.
I have some of GLG’s free packs of beans, I’ll never get through, your family is welcome to.
Many of us, have been counter culture for decades, if you grow buds, OR want to grow buds, your in my family.
All the best to you, how ever you decide!!


Getting beans on here is no problem at all and I’m sure you’re already sorted on that. Try not to get some tough to grow genetics for your first grows. Then, I’d say go through grow journals/threads, find someone’s grows and style you like, shoot them a private messsage, and ask them if they’d help/mentor you through the beginning grows. I loved skating when I was younger. Even grabbed an old Dressen reissue and set that up recently to cruise the neighborhood.

Best of luck and I hope you find exactly what you’re looking for on here!!


Thank u for the warm welcome brother soru so long getting back it’s been a hell of a go at life this month but I’m trying not to get back into a depression I’m trying to stay positive and keep on trucking … If anyone is willing to send me some beans I am willing to do my best to grow them …


Send me a personal message and I will send u my addy cause I am not sure how to send a private message yet cause I thought I was and i was answering messages privately but I guess I. Not…lol