I’m frustrated, and Mrs. mota can’t help.
My frustration is because, as an exclusively outdoor grower, I don’t have any pictures of my current grow. And the reason for that is I don’t have a current grow. HA! It’s still too cold and wet where I am in the Bay Area. I’ll germinate in a few weeks, but that’s then, this is now.
To hopefully mitigate some of my frustration, I’m going to post a few pictures of my grow last year. Nothing like a journal, really more just random pictures from when I remembered to take a few.
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I’m not the most organized person, which brings me to this year’s grow and the daunting idea of keeping some kind of an even vaguely organized journal. I really want to keep a journal, but honestly I don’t see myself being successful at it. What I will be doing, however, is posting pictures and a narrative of what I/the girls have been doing. I hope to make that weekly, perhaps more often.
My backyard is L shaped, with the leg of the L being narrow and stubby and on the east west axis of the yard. Our back fence is on the south side. That narrow leg is the only part of the yard that gets morning sun, so everyone overnights there. As you can see, it’s not a large space. It also receives the least ambient light at night. I actually used a handtruck and piece of plywood to help keep it dark.
Here it is both during the day and at night later in the year…
And with the handtruck and plywood (actually OSB) blocking the light from our and our neighbor’s night lights.
This next one is directly west of the “alley,” where the plants spend the night.
You can see in this next shot that there is a large pine tree in our yard. It throws a lot of shade as the sun moves across the sky. Consequently, I have to move all of my plants multiple times every day. As the year progresses and the days shorten/the sun is lower in the sky, I have to move them more often. It’s good exercise for an old man. FWIW, that’s a Lemon Kush plant.
Acapulco Gold
Arjan Haze and a bag plant in the background
Bay Dream, then another Bay Dream I called red legs
Dead Head OG
This next shot is the west edge of our yard. The camera is facing north. Juicy Fruit and Acapulco Gold.
These are two thirsty bag plants. I had three. These are the large and the small.
And finally, most of the plants in the late afternoon. This shot is facing kind of southeast. On the right you can see the alley where the girls spend the right. On the left you can see the shadow of the pine tree against our building.
Thanks for looking!