Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 2)

Thanks for the compliment.


I’ve been long overdue introducing myself via this thread but I already see a lot of names I know through their helpful responses to the the topics I’ve posted on OG - @DougDawson, @shag, @Randar, and many others. Think all the topics I’ve posted s far are split between the Indoor Growing and Breeder’s Lab categories.

Have been thinking about growing on my own for a long time. Lifelong smoker of cannabis, mainly in flower flower form only save for hash, though it’s been a long while since I’ve enjoyed that. First time I ever smoked it was summer between 8th grade and high school freshman year in Yosemite National Park with an old old friend (who now grows outdoors). It was in the form of a roach (!) from an older guy my friend knew LOL. Embarrassing and sorta gross but probably one or two of you out there with a similar first-time experience! Then on and off until graduating high school. At UC Davis in the early-mid 1990s there was quite a thriving weed scene, though still just two types it seemed, either “headache” or “green”, though I do remember one of the last $60 1/8s I bought there being represented as Northern Lights.

Then more consumption over the years, through the illicit and now legal eras in CA. And the legal market - truth be told I’ve actually tired of the selection at my local dispensaries and the less than stellar experiences I have there, the weed notwithstanding. You know, budtenders insisting something is indica-leaning when in fact it’s the opposite, consulting Leafly in real time to address customer questions about genetics, the typical shenanigans. Complete lack of certain selections like Haze, though I understand dispensaries are businesses and most of the customers aren’t looking for that. So thought I’d fill my own niche…

And no shenanigans with me when it comes to my foray into growing, hopefully not even many fuck-ups, though I’ll abide that I am a beginner. I’ve already received a TON of great advice from OG members and look forward to soaking in the knowledge to the maximum extent. And in turn, I hope to be able to help others who come behind me here on this site!


Welcome! Good growing to you!


Welcome to OG @3rd_i , nice to meet you.


Hi @3rd_i! Welcome to OG! You’ll love it here! Without a doubt! Enjoy!


Woah! Welcome to all the new members that have poured in over the past few days!


@3rd_i Welcome
You will like it here, most everyone is eager to help :heart_eyes:

Some fun loving fools round here too. :clown_face:


hey there @3rd_i ! i’ve seen you posting around on overgrow and have enjoyed the conversations you’ve sparked. thanks for giving us a more formal introduction to you, it’s so nice to have a story or something more to pin to the username.

have you planted your first seeds yet? i see you have a thread on plans for your first grow, but wasn’t sure whether you’d popped any seeds yet. another overgrower commented on your thread that things come at you faster than you think, which i can totally agree with.

i’m in the middle of my first grow and the first two or three weeks were pretty slow and uncertain (is anything happening, do i need to do more or less, have my plants grown at all). but at a certain point my plants started just taking off and then it was almost a rush to even my tent out again, get males sorted and moved, work on pollen collecting if i was going to do that, figure out what to do with the males i didn’t want, etc etc.

great to have you around and can’t wait to join you on your first grow.


Welcome to the OG @3rd_i !

Can’t wait to see some pics when your grow takes off… :rocket:
Remember… The good people of the OG will be here to assist you in your endeavor. :green_heart: :seedling:

and as always…
Here is to the good times to come on the OG :call_me_hand:


Greetings Lovely Growers,
Seriously it’s very nice to meet you all.

I’m Idan,
a 37 years old dude who lives in Tel-Aviv, Israel,
The plant has been my passion for the last 15 years,

I have been buying a lot of shitty weed Until I decided to take care of myself and grow my own,
I had a few amazing years growing in my grow tents\cabinets,
I remember my first year growing, Growin with soil in a small 2X2 tent.

I got mediocre results, but learned a lot from growweedeasy, reading books and basically you guys,
the community,

After my first year, I decided to switch and try hydroponics and then my journey really began to understand how to do it properly,
Started from a small Oxypot 19L of the shelf dwc system,
Understood all the problems growing with Hydroponics and one by one started to fix them.
How to chill the water, How to add oxygenation properly, dealt with pH fluctuations, and all those stuff.

After about two kinda successful grows with those I understood that I need to build my own.
As I am kind of a nerd and technical it’s got pretty extreme.

I took a camping cooler(it’s a great start), started to make modifications,
(how do I add photos over here?!

After some successful grows I decided to actually build one for the consumers and fellow growers.
I’ve seen how hard it is to actually dial in a dwc system.

So I smoked a little too much and maybe other stuff and got the courage to built a system that everyone can enjoy,
After a lot of research, I went to my pop, Asked for $30k, and started to get this going,

And Groot project (Now “Hydi”) officially was born.
A company was born,

Two years with product designers and engineers, just to get the shape right.

For me who was a QA guy, reliability, practicality, and fun growing using it, were my main priorities.
It’s had to be quiet too. and be a great fucking tool.

Unfortunately during the development time two years ago I got a knock from a guy that was wearing blue.
It didn’t end well, but I was fortunate enough to have a strong family that can support me, and now it’s all ended. without nothing.

But the great news is that nothing will stop me, and the Hydi project is still going strong.
the only difference is that now I’m growing at a legal facility but can’t actually taste the product.
As far as I can see it is a done deal with a happy ending. :slight_smile:

You can check it out at

And would really love to get your feedback, comments and thoughts,

Love to be here,


Hi @Hydi-Idan! Welcome to OG! You’ll love it here! Guaranteed! Enjoy!!


Hello and welcome @Hydi-Idan! Very cool system you’ve developed there! :+1::+1:


Welcome and good jungle


Greetings and Shalom @Hydi-Idan , welcome to OG.


Welcome @3rd_i and @Hydi-Idan!
:v: :v: :v: :v:


Holy smokes! Fools gonna grow some George Jetson ass weed with that thing!


I have talked with you already, so this is a official welcome to the OG community.
Welcome also to @Hydi-Idan

:green_heart: :seedling:


Hello @Hydi-Idan and welcome to the OG!


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Plan for first indoor grow - too ambitious?