Introduce yourself @OG Vol. 1

Welcome to OG Jackburton, you should get lots of ideas for out doors stuff here, will it be legal or a guerrilla grow?


It’s a legal grow. I’m in Canada with a 4 plant limit. I grabbed some organic soil and popped some bagseeds I had kicking around.


Trevor Lahey is just starting his outdoor grow for this year, if your looking for any pointers.


Hi Im Stiggy am Im a Growaholic, I wanted to say Welcome to all the New People
as we go about the room please stand and briefly tell the rest of us about why you are here.


Welcome to OG @jackburton. We have lots of Canadian peeps and from every other corner of the world, so dig in and ask anything you want. If you get a little disoriented just ask anybody and they can point you to the right spot for what you’re looking for. I think you’ll like it as much as we do! peace


I’m a new grower from Texas… Idk if the seed I planted is a photo or auto(it’s looking good so far) it’s still in the window seal Have not put it outside yet??? Any advice?


I would grow her up to a foot at least before transplanting. Gives you some time to prepare the soil you going to put her in. Lime, manure, peat moss and maybe a few other things if you have a budget.


Ashcroft put his weight behind it no doubt that was a dark time in America the DEA had billboards that said you thought it was dry last year DEA on hwy 70 and 44 both major distribution hwys locally headshops started getting rid of bongs and pretty much any pipe that couldn’t be considered traditional

They didn’t lie either Reggie went from 5 to 800 in less than a month

Thanks I have her in organic soil it has peat/coco with compost… I add about half oz of lime in a one gallon mix… First 2 nodes are close together… I’m thinking wait until I see about 4-5 nodes before moving to a 5-7 gallon?:eyes::thinking:


The Police and doggs whos here , they tok seeds för över 700 and mini plants .i feel this is Black energi . ,and destroy lamps ,led lamps and ho


@BjFool, @V4vendetta please continue discussion in BjFool’s garden topic:


I never introduced myself, hello all, paws is back from the older days of OG. I love this site, everyone is so helpful and always welcoming. We are all in good hands together… lets overgrow the world…!!!



Hello, I am new to the forum, but I was involved in growing indoors 2005-2007, primarily the White Widow strain. I was successful cloning some of my girls better traits. It seems a lot of changes have occurred between now and then and I am excited to try some of the newer strains that are out now. Currently I a couple of Critical Mass (auto) and Amnesia Haze in the early stages. Looking forward to being a member on!


Hey @Tejas! Welcome to Over Grow!

There’s lots of interesting projects on the go around here and some amazingly talented folks doing them. Be sure to explore and ask questions, there is lots to learn.



Welcome home @Pawsfodocaws… it’s nice to formally meet you! I’m glad you came back to OG!

Welcome to OG @Tejas!
White Widow is an easy plant to grow and clone and gives respectable yields.
The Amnesia Haze you’re growing is just as easy to grow/clone and also gives respectable yields… and Amnesia Haze is much more potent than White Widow. It’ll be a new favorite of yours, I’m sure.


I’m sure this is the wrong place to post. But just incase I’m wrong, im just looklooking to see if this forrum is active or not. I’m a new and old grower, basically quit growing when we had our first child which was 20 years ago, just got my medical license, so I’m now getting ready to start this garden and I’m just looking for a place to be around like minded people.
I’m michael from Oklahoma City.


This is the right place to introduce yourself… :+1: Welcome cinDakush! Congrats to your license!


Hi @cinDakush! Welcome to Over Grow.
You will find a lot of 'like minded ’ folks here and OG is an amazingly well run site too.
Be sure to explore and ask questions, there is lots here to learn!



You’re in the right place!!! You want some seeds? Free!!!
Afghani x (Blueberry x Northern Lights)


Hey all, I’ve been here for awhile, mostly reading and learning. I figured it was past time that I posted a hello. I’m in Michigan and have a grow of 6 plants. I have helped out with some friends who grew but have never had a successful grow on my own. Mostly because I never seriously tried before now. I have some tumors in my head that are putting pressure on my optic nerve, pituitary and whatever else is in that area. They cause some serious migraine headaches daily and I’m sick and tired of poisoning my body with opiates and barbiturates to control the migraines, so that is why I decided to give growing a shot.

I started my babies from seeds and they’ve been in an aerogarden hydro unit up until yesterday. They’re Fire OG kush and so far they are doing great. Yesterday we transplanted them from the aerogarden over to some fabric pots with a mix of topsoil and coco/perlite. I thought for sure that I was going to kill them because we had to actually cut some of the finer roots to get them apart. I never imagined that they would have been that tangled up in only 30 days. I’ll know to watch them more closely in the next group. The pics are from yesterday when they were 30 days old.

Cheers! I’m glad to be here!

:scream: roots 05302020
after transplant 05302020