Co-op Strain Donations and Breeder Match Ups

All in all - my question wasn’t really answered. Not here to bicker just figure out what is really happening with all these strains

Only some of us lol. I prefer cow and pig although squirrel and deer can be good too


Save the ducks!
Serve the ducks!



Here’s a quick rundown. I explained it better earlier in this thread , and it is explained the best on the freaker threads. There is a minimum 10 plant count for growing one of the Freaker’s varieties, which we thought was necessary to preserve as much genetic diversity as we can from such a small number of seeds. All runs are open pollination, meaning no males or females are discarded, except in rare circumstances. We would get rid of hermaphrodites unless it involved preserving a line that contains only hermaphrodites in which case we would use them anyway. Keep the males in the room until they are done spilling pollen. We are hoping to make thousands of seeds during one of our runs. Each full freaker has agreed to grow 2 Short flowering or one long flowering variety for that year. A long flowering variety is 16 or more weeks. Each affiliate has agreed to grow one variety that year. As a thank you for the Growers cooperation for giving up not only their time, but their expenses to grow one of these varieties, they will get a hundred seeds of everything reproduced during the year by the Freaker’s. That’s the goal anyway. I actually think we can do more than that in many cases. The affiliates that pick one strain to grow will get seeds from that variety. ( you know you’ll get more) This was the carrot on a stick approach the founding members discussed. People simply don’t want to give up that much of their time and money with nothing in return. So in return for their kindness, they will walk away that year with a nice seed collection. I can’t imagine many circumstances where more than two thousand seeds can’t be made, but with some extreme tropical that could happen. It can’t be ruled out. After The Freaker’s have received their seeds, we will be passing them out to people on overgrow, similar to The Coop, where people sign up to receive seeds. Any remaining seeds will go to Sebring for the server auctions. That might sound like an unreasonable amount of seeds to produce to some people that have not done it before. I’ve made more than 5,000 seeds on plants I was still able to smoke. Guitarzan made in the neighborhood of 11,000 seeds during his Maui mango Haze run. So, lots of seeds can be done during a reproduction, especially once you know what you’re doing. That’s about it. I think any other questions can be answered on the freaker thread. We are trying to do something positive for the overgrow Community we all love so much, and something for the cannabis plant that we all love so much as well. We will be successful.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:



TLDR. It should be a simple answer.

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keep in mind that this is a thread for strain donators to find volunteer growers for new co-op seed runs.

we don’t want this to become so cluttered that potential volunteers won’t be able to read through the posts to see what strains have been offered.

I think at this point the freakers discussion is just going in circles. I’m not sure this is relevant to co-op strain donations and breeder volunteers.

This thread is meant for people offering discontinued breeders packs to volunteer co-op breeders for seed runs, and discussion about those lines, and people offering to volunteer as breeders. This thread is a working part of the co-op seed run machinery, we need breeder volunteers for more seed runs.

We have the co-op discussion megathread for general co-op questions and discussion, and the co-op logistics thread for questions about rules, procedures, and shipping.

And we have the co-op subcategory so people can post new threads for specific discussions.


I appreciate the detailed response were on the same page but now for the second time someone has made my point with there own words

Thats a shitty prospect


Realistically, the forum experiences a lot of turnover. That’s the shitty prospect.

The co-op is designed to be immune to this problem. When everyone made their suggestions and we all worked together to make the co-op rules, we specifically planned for this.

This is why we have a true co-op structure, with no authority figures. This co-op could keep going for years, even without the involvement of any of the members who created it originally.


I see - this is a bit different

Would be nice to have a certain level needed to show in order to receive these discontinued things. Preventing LPs and other “breeders” from running off with things adding it to their catalog and telling everyone it was a bag seed from 30 years ago.


@zephyr could you post links or names of thread for other two threads regarding the structure/ logistics of co-op interested to know more. not quite there yet but one of these days i plan to have the space to do so regardless if freaks, co ops or just my personal wants!


we do have rules for that.
Our rule is any breeders need to be trust level 2 or higher, but at the end of the day that decision it is up to the donator. The seed pack donator should vet all potential volunteers and proceed carefully to choose a responsible, trustworthy grower who has the necessary skills to complete the seed run.

And personally, I recommend caution.

Most of the co-op rules can be found in the participation thread, and in the boilerplate text copied in each of the seed run sign up posts.

here are the rules for signing up to participate in the seed runs

The rest can be found in the discussion of these threads, along with our entire co-op history,
from our humble beginnings to our humble now.

and here is bodhi’s message to overgrow

edit- @Gonepostal ^ here’s a little index for the co-op threads ^


Ah - I see yet again! I’m all out of likes :frowning:

Maybe it can be a separate trust level all together. Just my .02 - it seems fairly easy to obtain that level (the level 2).

SomeOf the strains I am seeing are at least level 33.

Ah well. It’s time for another spliffy!

One thing I never did in school is read the rules :laughing:


Now that we have the regular emeritus badge for anyone who had achieved trust level 3,
it could make sense to increase the requirement for breeder volunteers to trust level 3 and regular emeritus

we could put it to a vote with a poll in one of the rules threads if enough people wanted to.

I think the idea of the original rule is that seed pack donators would be allowed to decide for themselves if they want to give someone the benefit of the doubt and take a chance on a relatively new member.


thank you ill have to look a little deeper into that! i think that rules a keeper thou. for example im not to the point to where i have the space or have had experience in breeding to feel comfortable enough to be the one to do a run to make seeds to pass out of a rare strain but yet i have reach level 3 but i have seen some level 2 people that i have and continue to build my knowledge off of to get to that point that would be more able to do some them selfs if chose to. plus this site makes it very easy to do a quick inquiry on someone to be able to see if they are or arent trust worthy and able to do so in the donators eyes.


I’m level 2. Passed out tons of seed from partial pollenation projects. Am I qualified to make seed from rare varieties? Yes, I am. But it’s a tough one. It is easy to become level two. But, as long as the person supplying or gifting the seeds is Ok taking a chance, its more repro opportunities for the coop to allow level 2 participants. Of course the seed provider can hold out for a level 3 grower if they want to. I dont like the type that come here just for quick seed. I actually had a nightmare last night and woke up at 3 in the morning for a couple hours getting the feeling that the Landrace team infiltrated our group. I guess you can’t make more seed and pass them out without taking that risk. The alternative is keeping rare genetics to yourself, which is how they became rare in many instances. Double edged sword there. I suppose if a strain was obviously taken and put on someone’s site for a crazy price, we could always flood the market


In the end the trust level here does not mean you can grow. You could be an amazing grower but recently joined or be a bad grower with trust level 3 that has just read a bunch and got many likes posting in what stoners eat threads. I guess my point is your trust level does not dictate your skill level.


Agree, here’s a lousy level 3 grower :sweat_smile:, I think it just means you have been here enough time and people know you, so you will not keep all the seeds or sell them and disappear. I believe reputation and trust is also a requirement, not only your growing skills, nightmares are somehow related to reality and many times they are a warning … beer3|nullxnull


This is very true. I am an incredibly novice grower in comparison to all the great growers I see on here, and I’ve achieved level 3 by just reading a ton.