The Mexican Landrace Thread

Yeah i remember You chomba 64 or Kagyu
We talked few months ago when i was in the states
I never ask you about the seeds that i share with you on those years, did you found something interesting?


Hello Elchischas,
No I did not as I had a bad year. Unfortunatly I didnt get to finish them.


Yes I did. Never got any males though.


Theres someone here working w/Corinto

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yep what we ment by pretendica , pressed dark skunky indica with big seeds
They were indica seeds brought from Cali in late 80’s grown in mexico , not native to mexico , My dad and his buddy would give them seeds to growers there and some thai also , cause they could get more$ for back in states , everyone wins famers and sellers and smokers. LOL


Bottom pics look 100% like original skunk #1 ,
Are they kinda slight citrus sweet profile ?


I agree with the skunk profile. It is not very citrusy though. Smells like Afghan skunk. A deeper, darker, danker smell than skunk #1.


Hello all! I’m so glad I found this thread :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’ve been growing for about 4 years all indoor but I’m looking to grow some outdoor. I live in MN so would probably have to start it inside to get it going.
I was talking with some friends about old school Mexican red hair and then went down a rabbit hole and someone suggested it probably was oaxacan.
I am really looking to get some seeds to try and bring back that old time flavor and potency.
I would love to breed at some point and thing bringing back the older strains would be amazing :star_struck:
If anyone can point me in a direction, it would be very helpful :pray:


Hey @MNGrower ask here Landrace Expansion & Trade
Or here
Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2) - #2813 by SubzeroIceKold


Thank you :pray: I appreciate it.
And I’m still getting used to this forum, is there a way to like bookmark or favorite topics or categories :thinking:


There is a few more landrace threads as well. At the bottom of the thread it says topic controls will say normal tracking and watching set to watching so any post you will be notified. If you click on the 3 … they have a bookmark you can click and name.


Yeah I found the watch part and the bookmark makes no sense to me as it has a time/date choice :thinking:

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Ya that doesn’t matter that’s if you want a reminder for certain time I just name them so makes sense


I know what you mean. It is a little confusing. Ignore the time and date that is for a reminder about the bookmark I think.

Just hit save, and it will go to your list of bookmarks, which should be near where you go to your profile summary, and such if I am not mistaken.

And like 420noob mentioned, naming them might keep it orderly

Hope this helps brother

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Thanks guys. That makes sense now :+1:


I grew Tlt Jamaican at the same time as the Vibes Lambsbread I ran. I thought tlt’s Jamaican was a Lambsbread. Why am I not surprised they are selling it?
Exotic Alchemy Lambsbread is a faster Lambsbread in the 12-14 weeks flowering range. Not a Vibes Lambsbread…to my knowledge? Flowers too fast.

It only takes one asshole to make a pile of shit.
( I just came up with that😁)


there is no ethics anymore
no matter how hard you try
Someone will always put everything up for sale, no matter how much you tell them not to.


Hello, Been gone for quite a while.


From last weekend.


@Willydread haveta agree with Upstate, don’t believe exotic LB is the vibes line. With the flowering time and flower density, I would presume that it’s some sort of heirloom hybrid.

i agree @Elchischas - much of our society lacks integrity;however, i would argue there are still people with honor out there - like needles in the haystack tho :grin: