Bugs? 🐜 🐛

You mean after chopping, cleaning the buds in a bin with baking soda and lemon juice before hanging them to dry? Which proportion? Thanks for the advice … :sunglasses:


Yup per 5 gallons of wash solution , five gallons of tepid water 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of Lemmon juice . Get water in bin dissolve baking soda in water Throw buds in water then throw in Lemmon juice , the effervescent action works like cleaning dentures in their solution take your bud branch in move it back and forth quickly in short jerky motions for 30-60 seconds allow to drip dry over water move to a second bin straight water for a rinse and then a final swish of straight water for a 2nd water only rinse . So one cleaning step and 2 rinses then hang dry. I used three wash basins filled 1/2 with with about 2.5 gallons each and cut my Lemmon juice and BS in1/2.


Fortunately there are only two plants involved :sweat_smile:, thanks for the detailed information, someone should FAQ or wiki it, pretty useful …

Curious if this effects the cannabiniod content of the plants? :pray:

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Nope. THC is not water soluble. Doesn’t hurt them at all

@George I only use 1/2 cup of baking soda and the juice of 1 lemon


I believe it’s the components of many fruits and vegetable washes may be wrong though


!/2 cup of each is correct amounts for 5 gallon buckets. “Cleaning” bucket should be hot, dunk cold. As Meesh states, it will not hurt the Buds in any way, just will not.


I leave spider’s in my room. They generally keep the fly population down

:hot_pepper: + vaseline… my new experiment for :ant:ant barrier.

:coffee: :smoking: This morning I had the thought to try rubbing the inside of a fresh scorpion pepper all over the bark near the base of the plant. :thinking: The ant’s do not like that shit :fire: Not sure if it masks their trails or confuses their noses or burns them…don’t really care if it works. :smile:

But since I only had one ripe chile I got some cayenne powder & vaseline at the discount store & made the funkiest, nastiest concoction I think I’ve ever made. I spread it around the trunk & main stems & support stakes & it seems to be an effective barrier but I’ll see in the morning-- these fuckers are almost nocturnal & avoid the direct sunlight. WTF. Shady bastards. :unamused:

And I dunno about this budwashing thing… the stuff I did looks essentially ruined(hash time) compared to the slightly aphidy, unwashed stuff. I’ll confirm my suspicion in a week or so when I try smoking some. :blush:



Its the sharpness of the granules. I used borax but i mean sea salt or anything like that, it feels terrible to walk on for them and their feet and antennae are sensitive they will take one step and be like ok back to ant hill fuck this and bail.

The borax didn’t phase them. 20 mule team & all! :sweat_smile:

Even with moisture added(makes boric acid)…


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If that vaseline experiment doesn’t work you can always use it for other purposes …


oh I read ya, but if we’re re enacting the slip and fall scenes in Home Alone I call being Daniel Stern “Marv”. I mean I don;t study ants or anything but tried lots of stuff and watched them attempt the borax, get weirded out and displeased, wiggle antennae at other ants, and all bail. It happened a few times the day I layed it down from different troops of ants. They are very smart they build ant hills that are bigger than one story building and all tunnels and rooms no matter the size are connected at perfect 45 degree angles that all ants must be on same page for to have max vent efficiency inside the hill across all levels.

But how do they all instinctively measure and build together perfectly at 45 no bevel no damn school thing protractor, just ant feet and ant brain. Crazy humans can barely get through crosswalks to other side across human traffic. Ow get outta da way I’m walkin heeeeyah!


Thanks again, already done it and after watching the water left I don’t know if we should repeat this practice even with the healthy plants … :sweat_smile:


I thought the same thing when I washed because of PM. It’s not a bad idea for outdoor plants. Yuck :sweat_smile:

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Well, I can swear to you that was my last outdoor grow, don’t want those little bastards inside again . Was a total nonsense bringing it back at home, you cannot fight Mother Nature, another lesson learnt …


I was thinking your plants had bugs in them if not don’t worry about the wash but if these were outside defiantly needs done IMO


They sure had them, sorry for my English, just wanted to say that good looking buds and filthy water makes me think it is a good strategy, at least for outdoor plants as you say. People should always use it for quality final results … :sunglasses: