I thought this handy so saved it here and I will add
EWC -Earth Worm Castings LITFA-Leave it the fuck alone
SST- Seed Sprout Tea
FIM- Fuck I missed
LST - low-stress training
DWC - deep water culture (or Death Without Cause )
SOG - Sea of Green
ScrOG - Screen of Green
IBL - In-bred line
IPM - Integrated Pest Management
PPM parts per million
EC electrical conductivity
pH potential hydrogen
RH relative humidity
DO dissolved oxygen
TDS total dissolved solids
DIF - Day and night temperature difference
VPD - Vapor Pressure Deficit
HID - High-Intensity Discharge (Lighting)
CFL Compact Fluorescent
LED Light Emitting Diode
HPS HJigh Pressure Sodium
MH Metal Halide
CFM Cubiic Feet per minute
RO Reverse Osmosis
DIY (Really, you had to look that one up?)
DTW Drain To Waste
BT- Bacillus thuringiensis
NFT - Nutrient Film Technique
LPA - Low Pressure Aeroponics
HPA - High pressure Aeroponics
AAA (or sometimes just AA) Air Atomized Aeroponics
E/F - Ebb and Flow also known as F/D - Flood and Drain
REZ - reservoir
ABA Abscisic acid
IAA Indole Acetic Acid
NAA Naphthalene Acetic Acid
JA/MeJA Jasmonic Acid and Methyl Jasmonate
Ga3 Gibberellic Acid
HEPA high-efficiency particulate air
For several of the following they are defined @ https://overgrow.com/t/lighting-spectral-data/13627 in the first post.
PAR photosynthetically active radiation
PPFD Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density
DLI Daily Light Interval
LAB lactic acid bacillus
KNF Korean Natural Farming
JADAM the name JADAM is an abbreviation of Jayonul Damun Saramdul. In English, it translates as āpeople who like nature.ā
JLF Jadam liquid fertilzer
JMS Jadam Microbiial solution
STS Silver ThioSulphate
CS Colloidal Silver
Edit note: it is a wiki please add entries and feel free to link to an explanation, process, video or recipe.
Should other terms be included and linked to an explanation? I feel like some donāt really understand some terms like monster cropping and super-cropping and links could be provided.they arenāt acronyms though